I’ve been putting more effort into Instagram for the past 2 months or so – actually I can tell you the exact post, it was this one:
My ultimate goal is to grow a following and aesthetic strong enough that brands want to collaborate with me for marketing purposes. I see it as a uniquely challenging job interview for a position that there’s no clear path to reach. Sure, there are articles everywhere about how to “make your Instagram better” but it’s not so easy to find step by step guidelines of how to do it (see more thoughts on this here). As a data nerd I was and still am very ready to take on the challenge of trying to quantify becoming successful on social media through a method driven by data.
Here I am, two months later, currently with 437 followers, and today I got what I thought would be the Holy Grail of social media marketing for someone looking to grow a following: a repost. At 5am this morning I posted this photo:
And 8 hours later it was picked up by my absolute favorite online retailer, Look Human: Continue reading Instagram: Getting the repost